Meet the Professional
Tubagus Syafrial, FSAI, FLMI, MBA
KKA TBA President & Public Actuary
Nomor Aktuaris Publik:
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- 1992 - Fellow of Society of Actuaries Indonesia (FSAl)
- 1992 - Fellow Life Management Institute (FLMI) LOMA, Atlanta, USA
- 1996 - Associate Customer Service (ACS) LOMA, Atlanta, USA
- 1998 - Master of Business Administration Kennedy - Western
- 1978 - 1996 - Vice President Aktuaris PT. A.J. Bumiputera John Hancock
- 1997 - 1998 - Direktur & Aktuaris PT. Asuransi Jiwa Tiara
- 1998 - 2003 - Komisaris & Aktuaris PT. Binaputera Jaga Hikmah
- 2003 - 2019 - Direktur dan Aktuaris PT. Binaputera Jaga Hikmah
- 2019 - sekarang - Pemimpin &Aktuaris Publik KKA Tubagus Syafrial & Amran Nangasan
- 2016 - sekarang - Komisaris Independen PT. Pacific Life Insurance
- 1980 - Menghadiri beberapa seminar & training
- 1990 - Konperensi Aktuaris Indonesia l
- 1991 - Conference of Fifth East Asian Actuarial (EAAC), Bali
- 1992 - Training Superb for Pension Fund Melbourne, Australia1992 - Training UNIX, Singapura
- 1993 - Moderator pada Konferensi Aktuaris Indonesia I
- 1993 - Conference of Seventh East Asian Actuarial (EAAC), Singapore
- 1993 - The Meeting of the commission for Mortality Study of Assured Lives (COMSAL), Brunei Darussalam
- 1995 - Representative Speaker Indonesian Delegation, 8th EAAC, Jepang
- 1995 - Meeting with Japan, Indonesian Team for Tabel Mortalita Indonesia, Kyoei Life, Jepang
- 1996 - Conference of Public Company Association, Bali
- 1996 - Guess speaker for Accountant Associate for Pension Fund
- 1997 - Representative Speaker Indonesian Delegation, 9th EAAC, Bangkok
- 1997 - Pembicara &Moderator di beberapa seminar khususnya Dana Pensiun
- 1999 - Conference of Tenth East Asian Actuarial (EAAC), Seoul, Korea
- 1999 - Tahap akhir Pembentukan TMI I| - Jepang
- 2001 - International Actuarial Association Conference (IAAC), Malaysia
- 2003 - Conference of 12th East Asian Actuarial (EAAC) Manila
- 2005 - Conference of 13rd East Asian Actuarial (EAAC), BaliKetua Komisi Tabel Mortalita Indonesia, Dewan Asuransi IndonesiaAnggota Pengurus Asosiasi Fellow of Life Management Institute (FLMI)Pengajar Jakarta Insurance Institute (lI)